ASNR International Virtual Activities

Virtual International Collaboration Requests

ASNR reviews requests for international collaboration from host organizations and individuals via the ASNR International Collaborations Committee. Educational opportunities such as virtual case conferences, virtual didactic lectures, and virtual neuroradiology mentorship programs may be considered for collaboration between ASNR and a host organization. To request a potential collaboration in a virtual format, please complete the form below.

Virtual International Speaker Recruitment

The ASNR offers support to organizations seeking speakers for their educational meetings. Please submit the form below to apply to be an ASNR Virtual Educator.

ASNR Virtual Reading Rooms

On February 26, 2021, the ASNR International Collaborations Committee and the Mongolian Society of Neuro, Head and Neck Imaging recently hosted a successful first virtual reading room presented by Amy Juliano, MD and moderated by Bruno Policeni, MD, MBA. More than 70 members of the Mongolian Society of Neuro, Head & Neck Imaging benefitted from the expertise shared by Dr. Juliano, and the interactive abilities afforded by this virtual program.

On July 7, 2021, Caroline Robson, MB, ChB, and Mai-Lan Ho, MD, presented on pediatric epilepsy imaging and pediatric head and neck tumors to members of the Ghana neuroradiological community.

ASNR Neuroradiology Webinar

The International Collaborations Committee has also organized a webinar in the ASNR Neuroradiology webinar series:

International Collaborations: CNS Neoplasm Classification and Case Presentations – July 21, 2021 at 4:00 pm EST
Speaker: Anne Osborn, MD: 2021 World Health Classification of CNS Neoplasms: What’s New (A Lot!!) and Why You Should Care
Moderators: Bruno Policeni, MD & Joshua Hirsch, MD
To view this webinar, visit ASNR’s Education Connection.