
Name of Host Organization: Sociedad Argentina de Radiología

Liaison person for the Host Organization and contact information: Dr. Cristina H. Besada  

Liaison person for the ASNR and contact information: Dr. Bruno Policeni 

Preferred dates for the Professorship (a date range is acceptable): During our annual meeting in September every year

Frequency (for example, once per year, or twice per year, or once every two years, etc.): Once per year 

Duration (a range of durations in acceptable):  4-5 days 

The Host Organization will provide (describe what expenses and resources will be covered by the host organization): Local housing, entrance to the annual meeting , some meals and local transportation.

Activities expected of the Professor:  

  • 3-4 lectures presented during the annual meeting
  • Visit to the host hospital and 1 lecture/ hands on activity