Education Committee

Continuing Medical Education (CME)/Continuing Professional Development (CPD)


The Education Committee’s primary responsibility is to plan, support and promote continuing medical education of ASNR members and other professionals that participate in the diverse educational activities of the Society. With oversight by the Advisory Council, the committee shall Liaison with the Program, Publication and Clinical Practice Committees to plan, propose and implement projects related to the education mission of the society.

CME Content and Education

  • In concert with the appropriate subspecialty groups, explore the feasibility and desirability of developing workshops that would serve to develop the skills of our members in areas such as stroke diagnosis and therapy, spine interventional procedures, and other areas of cutting-edge interventional procedures.
  • Create content for Annual Meeting sessions as directed by the Annual Meeting Program Committee.
  • Develop and implement Maintenance of Certification Materials, especially Self-Assessment Modules.

Website and Technology Support of ASNR CME

  • In cooperation with the CPC, further develop educational components of the ASNR website.
  • Continuously revise and refresh the Neurocurriculum Live content on the ASNR website.
  • The Education Committee will be the parent oversight body for subcommittees focused on eCME and technology systems.
  • Advance the CME, SAM, and other educational components of the MOC in the ASNR’s Web offerings.

Promotion of ASNR CME Initiatives

  • The Education Committee and the Program Committee will work in concert with the presidential appointee and liaison to the ACCME.
  • Work with the Clinical Practice Committee to develop public relations materials to enhance the image of ASNR.

Time Commitment

The committee shall hold (at minimum) monthly conference calls and in-person meetings twice a year.

Committee Roster

Click here to view ASNR Committee Rosters


Click here for ASNR’s Disclosure Index.