Celebrating 60 Years

ASNR Celebrating 60 years, 1962 - 2022

Founding Mission Statement

The American Society of Neuroradiology was formed on April 19, 1962, in New York City. The following purposes of the organization were unanimously adopted by the fourteen Founding members:

  1. To develop and support standards for the training in the practice of Neuroradiology.
  2. To foster independent research in Neuroradiology.
  3. To promote a closer fellowship and exchange of ideas among Neuroradiologists.

Read More: Dinner at Keen’s: The Founding of the American Society of Neuroradiology

ASNR Oral History Project

Spearheaded by Dr. Jonathan Clemente, the ASNR Oral History Project consists of more than 65 interviews and 100 hours of conversation with some of the most iconic leaders in neuroradiology. Videos are featured here with more being added to our online showcase regularly.

Watch the full interviews here:

ASNR 60th Anniversary Article

Read the most recent article highlighting ASNR’s 60th anniversary: A Brief History of Neuroradiology and the 60th Anniversary of the ASNR: “Through the Decades with ASNR”

ASNR and Neuroradiology Timeline

To zoom in or out and to click through the timeline pages, hover your mouse at the bottom of the timeline to see the navigation menu.